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  • Writer's pictureBeau Bradbury

How to coax your body into superior fitness

Updated: Oct 9, 2021

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Warning! For builders only.The BBB blog may be offensive to wimps.

I want to take you outside and picture a foolish farmer getting ready to plant a seed. The foolish farmer acts rushed and scurries out. The foolish farmer has also listened to many different talking heads with their super secret farming techniques that will "cause your seed to grow much faster than anyone else's." Yeah right. Go ahead and bet the house.

Following all the talking heads' "exclusive and valuable" advice scrambled together like a nice pan of scrambled eggs for breakfast. Yum. The foolish farmer "goes to work." He digs a nice little hole and chunks the seeds in there and covers it up. So far so good. This is where it gets a little weird. Buckle up!

Around the clock, every hour on the hour the first 7 days he storms out there and pours precisely 3.5 gallons of water on the seeds. He is also instructed to give the seed "encouragement" to grow. So he begins with speaking to the seeds with nice motivation.

"Come on little buddy, you can do it!"

"I believe in you!"

"Your going to produce wonderful fruit. You're amazing!"

After the 7th day, something changes. Our foolish farmer's countenance has changed! Seemingly becoming the hulk overnight. The foolish farmer thinks to himself, I've been up all night and poured water on these seeds like crazy every hour on the hour! Just like I was instructed by the guy that has no actual farm, but has a really good instruction course he sold me promising bigger plants faster! It makes perfect sense.. water makes plants grow, so more must be better!!!

The ole fashioned more is better fallacy strikes again.

The foolish farmer has had it! Fed up and now angry! Rivaling Coach Bobby Knight in intensity. No chairs were harmed. He goes out and now berates the planted seeds.

"Your worthless and I give up on you"

"I think the seed store sold me junk seeds"

"I've done so much for you and not even a sprout!"

The foolish farmer says screw it! Goes back inside and forgets all about his seeds that "would never sprout." He ceases the insane dumping of water every hour and gives up completely.

Time goes on...

A gentle little rain shower here and there. Lots of nourishing sun. Now that the foolish farmer is out of the way, God Almighty can do His work on these poor little seeds. On His time. You can learn a lot of common sense by casually observing nature's timing and order of things.

The now-retired foolish farmer has to go out to the woodshed to grab a tool. Ironically, behind the woodshed, where he previously quit looking in disgust, is the area he planted the seeds and then tried to drown them by following faulty instructions from some wise guy. I call them peepers. They can chirp all kinds of nonsense.

The foolish farmer can't resist himself. "One last look, even though I know nothing will be there!" He slowly peeks around the woodshed and you would have thought an extra terrestrial was hanging out. His eyes go wide as saucers. He hasn't looked in a long, long time! Is it a sprout?

Even better than he could imagine. A big, healthy, strong plant powering out of the ground like a strong tower. Beautiful branches and leaves. The foolish farmer is now really shocked as he sees ripe and plump fruit glistening in the sun. How could this be?

The message: sometimes it's better to plant the seed and get out of God's way and understand His timing, the natural timing of events. Only God can make the seed grow. Man is really at good one thing: messing things up.

Aligning yourself with the natural timing God created is very hard for some people. The foolish farmer wouldn't have not been so foolish if he studied and learned from a real farmer and learned about allowing the process of growing a plant to take place. Dumping 3.5 gallons on newly planted seeds every hour on the hour is bunk, if not, pure insanity. Yelling at a seed to grow is truly insane. Meanwhile, observing the plant and helping it along with proper watering, fertilizing, and bug control would no doubt amplify the results. Does common sense still exist in pockets of the world?

Apply this foolish farmer study to your fitness journey and you can breathe a sigh of relief. Your job is to sow the seeds of healthy eating and smart training to reap rewarding health and fitness. Keep your mindset on coaxing improvements, not foolishly trying to force them! Aim to smile and laugh more frequently, stay far away from negativity, and you will be happier. If you want peace of mind in this wild, roller coaster world I recommend a few focused sets and reps with God's Word everyday.

Lastly, trust that the seeds you plant for better health are germinating. They are working for you in due time. I know it can seem like a awhile, but once it sprouts it will grow and grow. Strive to be patient in an impatient world. Don't forget to be grateful for the improvements when they come. Ungrateful people always draw a small audience. Embrace that everything is cyclical in nature so be ready to ride those waves. Surf's up dude!

HOMEWORK: Read Ecclesiastes Chapter 3


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