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The grass is starting to grow and the temperatures are on the rise. Spring is in the air and summer is soon to follow. Summertime is the perfect time to look your leanest. Whether it is an invitation to a pool party, going to the lake, or a shirts vs skins pickup game we don’t want you to fret. Be ready to show off your lean body and be the envy of your friends. These simple 8 tips will make the difference between looking fab or showing off your flab.
#1 Maximize your success by utilizing TOMA
What is TOMA? I can tell you every successful advertiser in the world uses it effectively. On radio stations, television, and social media TOMA is the law of the land. How do you get someone to “have to!” do something they normally wouldn’t consider? TOMA is the answer. Let me give you the power of TOMA. Your friend buys a brand new car and you go wow that’s nice I haven’t seen anyone with that model! Way to go high five! Then something very peculiar happens the next few times you go driving. Almost like a mirage, you then see your friend’s car model everywhere you go. Different colors, but same model. It is almost as if everyone in town went and bought the exact same car as your friend. Imagine how your friend feels?! That’s TOMA.
TOMA is truly the psychological trump card. “Okay so what is TOMA!?!?! I have to know!!!” I can hear you saying, again now TOMA is in control and why you have to know what TOMA is. You see 5 minutes ago you could care less or didn’t even know that TOMA even existed. Yet, here you are now wanting to know. So here you go TOMA is an acronym that stands for Top Of Mind Awareness. You see you get exactly what you focus on. Surely you have some life experience to prove this is absolutely true. You start focusing on something on an advertisement like a new TV or a Domino’s pizza and the next thing you know it’s in your house. Amazing isn’t it? You focus on how your gut is starting to look fat and the next thing you know you have well… I’ll let you come to your conclusion on that one. My point is always angle your thoughts to the positive side and you will begin to see positive changes. I am also going to provide you free of charge a TOMA shot for a leaner body, or buzzword alert “vaccine” at the end of the article that may help you look leaner this summer. At the end of this article, I have designed a phone background image that will remind you of these 8 tips every single time you open your phone. Talk about putting the power of TOMA on your side!
IMPORTANT: Save image at the end of this article and save it as your background "lock screen" on your smart phone for TOMA mastery.
#2 Move More
Sorry I got a little long-winded on tip number one. I get excited from time to time. From here on out I will be much more selective and efficient with my points. Tip #2 is simply to move your body more. As simple as that is, it will help you look leaner for summer. Park further away, take the dog for a walk, take the stairs, etc. I need not bore you as there are a thousand ways to move more. Just do it!
#3 Drink Lemon Water
Lemons have a natural diuretic effect on the body. This means they help to remove the excess water between the skin (e.g. removes puffiness) to show off more muscle definition. Although lemons seem acidic, they actually have an alkalizing effect on your body during digestion. As an added bonus, they also have tons of immune boosting vitamin C. Plus they are a very affordable health food. So buy some fresh lemons at the store slice them up and squeeze the juice into your water. Enjoy the fresh taste and leaner look.
#4 Work With Us
When you hire us, know this upfront we will do everything in our power to help you earn results. Although we can’t do the actual physical work for you, we can push you, urge you, plan for you, guide you, and motivate you to help you reach the best version of yourself.
Option 1: The best option is to hire us as your personal trainer and work with us at our personal training studio in Weatherford, TX. With over 20 years combined professional experience between Nancy and I, we know how to get it done. Trust us, we have worked with people of all ages and levels. We have spent countless hours working with people in groups and in a one-on-one setting and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that personal training is far superior to group training. You will get better results due to a personalized and focused approach versus group training. Statistics back me on this thought and show that people have a much higher success rate working one-on-one with a personal trainer versus groups or going at it alone.
Option 2: If you can’t work with us at our studio, we also help people from all over with personalized program design. This is for people that either have a home gym setup or go to a large, commercial gym. We partner with them and build their programs precisely for their body type and goals.
#5 Lift Weights
To look lean you have to have some muscle. That is common sense. Muscle responds best to focused and productive strength training with weights. It truly blows my mind that people in an endeavor to look better start doing long distance running or long duration, not to mention boring as hell, cardio activities. I can tell you from experience from working with tons of people the most efficient way to change your look is to lift weights and to eat sensibly. Prove me wrong.
#6 Get Some Sun
Tan skin always appears leaner and more defined that pasty skin. I could go into the structure and function of the eye ball and how shadows are created by lighting, but I’d rather not bore you. Just take my word for it. Tan skin shows more definition. Go out in the sun a little bit and get a little tan going. Don’t go crazy and burn yourself up and cause damage, but a little sun is actually super good for you. Look up the benefits of Vitamin D if you don’t believe me. If for some reason, you are anti-sun, I guess you could spray yourself with a spray tan.
#7 Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar with “the mother” is a health food that has been sworn by for decades. Some claim it can prevent illnesses, like the common cold or flu, can help minimize belly fat, may help lower cholesterol, may kill harmful bacteria, and on and on. Is all this true? I don’t know, but I am not going to set out on a life-long journey to argue against the benefits. I’d say the chances are strongly in your favor to drink a tablespoon mixed in a glass of water about everyday and see what happens.
#8 Eat A Little Less
Tip #8 is the magic bullet to a leaner physique. You have to be smart to not starve yourself with a crash diet or something out of the ordinary. The simple mathematics is this: in one pound of fat there is 3,500 Calories. So if you are maintaining your weight and want to lose one pound of fat per week just eat 500 Calories less per day. Too easy right? Also, we believe everything in moderation as long as you plan for it. Like pizza? Great! Plan for it and you can have it. We can help you “plan” for your must have foods and still help you live lean. Personally, Nancy and I love fajitas, tortillas, chips, hot sauce, guac, rice & beans and our favorite dessert popcorn with peanut M&Ms mixed in. We have that every week and still stay lean, how? Proper planning. You know the 5 P’s? Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Now, if you do have a strong sweet tooth or a raging appetite let us know as we have a product we recommend that will definitely help you with that.
As I promised, you now have 8 simple tips that you can start today to look leaner this summer. Nancy and I want to thank you for reading our tips and just know we stand ready to help you if you so choose. Many reading this article are our dear clients currently and we want to say THANK YOU so very much for choosing us to be your partners in fitness! We appreciate it very much and enjoy working with you greatly.
Don't Forget! Here is your new TOMA smart phone background. Save it as your wallpaper "lock screen" or "background" and put the power of TOMA in your favor!
Thanks for Reading! - Beau
Can we ask a quick favor? The goal of our blog is to inspire people to exercise a little more, eat a bit healthier, and to have a good chuckle along the way. Can you help us spread the word! Please rent out highway billboards, tell friends, share our posts on social media, and the like. Feel free to comment feedback or ask a question. We are happy to help and really appreciate you helping us build and grow! Keep building builders!!